Over the summer, we’ll be running a series of seven day-long workshops for young people to be creative, develop photography skills and work together to create a series of photos to be professionally printed and displayed on the blocks of the Pepys estate in Deptford.
All sessions are free and lunch will be provided. Cameras will also be provided during sessions.
No experience of photography needed.
Sign up is now closed.
Workshops will include:
- Photography skills sessions
- Day trips to park and green spaces
- Day trip to an exhibition (tickets will be provided)
“When walking in from a long day, I often look around and the estate feels a bit empty and uninspirational. I’ve always felt that could be a bit more lively or homely, and I think that we, the people who live in the buildings, should be able to make them feel more homely. People don’t always think positively of Pepys and fail to see the beauty that is hiding beneath the surface in the communities that live here. I feel that this project can strengthen our pride in where we live, showcase our talents, and help to make our area ours.”
– Be, founder of this project who grew up and still lives in Pepys.