At the Albany, we believe the arts are a true force for good in our community. We exist to inspire, develop and support creativity to benefit people’s lives, offering empowering arts experiences spanning music, poetry, dance, gardening, visual art and everything in between, from our much-loved home in Deptford, Lewisham.  

We are always seeking new ways to reach those who would benefit most from joining in, such as:

Meet Me… at the Albany

Our flagship arts club giving older people at risk of isolation agency over their social and creative lives.


Youth Programme

Our acclaimed programme supporting local young people to develop and platform their creativity, build employable skills and improve their mental health.


Our Garden

Offering fun and free school holiday activities to children in receipt of free school meals, and supporting local people to get into growing.


Associate Artists Scheme

Supporting local artists to elevate their practice through long-term funding, space and mentoring.


It’s no secret that the last couple of years have been challenging for our sector, and with lost income and reduced opportunities to generate revenue, our future is far from certain. We rely on donations of all sizes to safeguard our position in the community for years to come, and we would be so grateful if you felt able to join our community of supporters today by donating online below.

We want to thank each and every one of our community of supporters, from brilliant individuals undertaking tough physical challenges in order to raise money for us, to the 485 individuals and families who donated to our crowdfunding campaign during the pandemic, to core partners like Lewisham Council and Arts Council England, our generous corporate supporters and all the trustees of the brilliant trusts and foundations who believe in the work we do to serve our local community. 

If you would like to make a regular donation, we would love to hear from you. Many thanks in advance for helping safeguard the future of this vital community resource. 

For more information, please contact  

Any donation, large or small will be used to support our work in our local community.

Make an excuse

  • No Money
  • :(

Make a spark

  • Glass of water
  • Crust of bread

Make a fire

  • Instant Ramen
  • Coke

Make a firework

  • Burger
  • Good Beer

Make a forrest fire

  • Steak
  • Wine
£5 £25 £50 £75 £100
Thank you for your donation
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