Sound activist and musician Charles Hayward returns with his popular evening of music that pushes at the edges of the new, challenging the already known, questioning frontiers and embracing divergent energies.

This time around, Charles will be performing his solo set Zigzag+Swirl, alongside Kamura Obscura.

Drummer, songwriter, sound activist Charles Hayward was a founding member of the experimental rock groups This Heat and Camberwell Now. Moving forward Hayward has recorded solo projects of songs and imaginative sound worlds, performing throughout UK, Europe, North America and Japan. Zigzag+swirl is a solo set of drums, voice, zigzag and swirl, songs in quantum funk, never the same twice, no click, no fixed zero-point. The music does not exist in its own orbit. It is completed by ears, minds, bodies, the interplay between intent and perception. From This Heat to now: Forward Music!

Kamura Obscura is one of Tokyo’s most emotive and inventive artists, active in Japan’s 80s women’s liberation movement. Kamura is a founder member of the first Japanese all-feminist punk band, Mizutama Shobodan, also known as Polkadot Fire Brigade, formed in 1979 in Tokyo. As agitprop feminist pioneers, Mizutama Shobodan, joined the Japanese punk rock DIY movement, toured Japan extensively, set up their own record label, Kinniku Bijo Records, and released two albums.

Kamura also teamed up with Tenko as the female vocal improvisation duo Honeymoons. The Honeymoons developed a unique style of avant-noise improvisation and performed internationally with seminal New York improvisers such as Tom Cora and John Zorn.

Kamura recently released her first solo album, “4am Diary”, on which “she douses the anti-musical strategies … with a soupçon of fizzy electrics, her operatic voice navigating an echoing mirror maze of pulses and tones.”  – Stewart Lee, Idler May June 2022.

More acts to be announced soon!